is truly the question, and the answer is, NOT! We really wavered back
and forth on this one, for a number of reasons. First, we don't want
to miss a market because we prepare all week for it, and missing it
means a week without the income, which in turn goes to support our
fabulous opulent lifestyles. On the other hand, missing the market
means one extra day of our lives given back to us, and that's "not
time around, we had valid reasons for concern, and we informed the
manager accordingly and she understood. As usual, all week long the
weather was beautiful and then the forecast went south on market day,
calling for thunderstorms all day. The question was, would they be
right? In weeks past the forecast was wrong and sometimes it worked
out for us, and other times we got slammed. This time around the
weather was pretty definitive, but what does that really mean? The
reality is, they just can't be 100% correct when it comes to the
weather, but they can get reasonably close.
gave the manager a head's up that we might not make it, and then sat
and waited. The evening before market it was beautiful, but the
forecast still said thunderstorms. By the morning, it was still
beautiful, but the chances of rain had gone up to 80%, so we bailed
out. The weather was stable until about an hour into the market, and
then it started raining in buckets. It rained a lot, but the worst
part was, it rained for at least half the market, and we were glad we
weren't out there, especially with all that hot oil. I felt bad for
the guys who did show up, but on days like that, I think they should
cancel the market. It's not that fair to the vendors, who put in all
that time and effort for nothing.
well, we knew the deal when we signed on. I was looking at the long
range forecast and it's calling for beautiful weather until, you
guessed it, market day. Let's hope things change in the coming days.
then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Anne Lise Heinrichs for the pic.