Saturday, September 11, 2010

Guessing Wrong at the Grateful Dumpling

I made a bit of blunder for the local market and did not make enough dumplings. I based my estimations on the previous couple of markets, which had been slow, and also on the fact that the weather was slated to be sort of lousy.

With this in mind, I figured I'd bring about half of our usual load, which made preparation easy. Then again, I could not have predicted the perfect storm of circumstances that occurred. First off, the weather cleared up and was actually sunny and nice, with no rain. Secondly, there is a crowd of people whose kids play soccer that filters into the market, increasing the customer base. And finally, there were several vendors who did not show up, including a couple of major prepared food people, leaving us as one of the few people left with food that was ready to eat.

This placed an undue burden on us, and within an hour and a half, we had sold out of dumplings. This meant that we had over an hour to go, and no food left to sell. It was nice because we could relax and listen to music, but it was also a bummer because we had to turn away customers, some of whom were our regulars.

Oh well, how can you anticipate such things. I feel bad, but sometimes you do the best you can.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Dhiego Andrade for the pic.

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