Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Low Glycemic Sugar

We've been reading this really interesting book about cancer that has got us thinking a lot about what we eat. The gist of the book is that our diets are way more important than the medical establishment is willing to acknowledge, something I've always believed in, but taking it step further, points out that the foods we eat predispose us to getting sick.

One of the biggest culprits is sugar, which is a horrible realization in light of the fact that we love sugar over here. We eat it a lot, and can't imagine life without it, but are becoming increasingly aware of the damage that excessive consumption of sugar can have on your body, especially over time. Just look at the health of the general public.

Plus, we don't want to gain too much weight, so we've been trying out these new sugars that are all natural but are low in glycemic index. What that means is that they are sweet, but don't lead to spikes in your blood sugar, which can take a toll on your body. They are meant to be eaten by people with diabetes, in certain instances.

They've worked out well, and best of all, we feel a little less guilty to our pancreas. Stay tuned for more, but for now, it's working out well. I've been told raw honey and maple syrup are acceptable, but am getting conflicting information. More on this later.

Until then, thanks for reading.

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