Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pottery Serendipity

I’m not sure how this one transpired, but I got an email from KM the other day and he mentioned doing pottery in the mornings again, this time with DE and his kids, C&A, included in the mix. I’m guessing they must have crossed paths and discussed the possibility of doing pottery, and then thought of us.

Talk about serendipity. I was prepared to drop the big bucks to continue with their pottery class in Winter. KR was toying with having another session near the end of January, and though it costs me a pound of flesh, it’s a great class, and the kids have so much fun, and they do make really cool stuff that is not simple playdough creations but real-deal pottery.

Now that this new possibility has come up, it means we can use those big bucks towards other things, like skiing or food and water, or medical bills (just kidding). And, it starts next week. How cool is that?

I’m excited, but we’ll have to wait and see how it transpires and whether it is going to be a regular thing, which I hope it is.

Until then, thanks for reading.

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