Monday, March 16, 2015

Working on the Hill

I'm guessing that this will become a yearly rite of passage, but I am once again toying with the idea of getting a job affiliated with the ski hill. First it was to work at the Inn or spa, then as a ski instructor, and now I'm thinking I'd once again like to work on the ski hill. They must be getting sick of seeing my application, but I've been sincere in my interest, it's just that every year complications arise.

I happen to know some of the guys who do it, and I even know the head guy, so I approached him and he was into the idea. In fact, he wants me to meet him on the hill and meet the crew and learn the ropes. Sounds good to me. I figure we're at the hill a fair amount, anyway, so why not work there and maybe be productive and worthwhile? Not that I'm not productive and worthwhile as it is.

The ski season is pretty much over so for now, so I will have to wait until next fall, but I think I'm ready, or at least as ready as I'll ever be. We'll see where this one goes, stay tuned for more.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to David Greer for the pic.

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