Friday, September 4, 2015

Flurry of Employment

As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for, even if all you want to do is make zucchini relish. In the quest to make the big bucks, I applied for some catering gigs at the Woodstock Inn and it turns out that not only are they looking for people, but they are looking for people to start working now. I mean now. I submitted my application to and it didn't take long before they contacted me and let me know that they had events planned all month and were interested in hiring people. The fall is their busiest season, especially the next two months, and they are booked solid, which is good for them. They put on the fast track for getting started, which meant going in on Saturday to do the proper training to start working on Monday.

Boy, talk about hitting the ground running. My first reaction was cool, more employment, but then I realized how much was going on and had to ask myself if this was really necessary. The problem is that with school back in session, my regular work at the college is kicking back into gear. The return of school also means that standardized patient work will also resume, and A is taking high school classes so she needs to prepare for that. The market is still going on, and we are doing a ton of animal care (cats and chickens). Finally, my first day of work coincides with replacing the brakes on my car, so I need to find a way to get to work while it's being done.

It looks like I'll never get around to making that relish. Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Judi for the pic.

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