Thursday, December 3, 2015

Busy Weekends Away

The past few weekends have been crazy, to say the least, and I'm not always sure what to make of it, or for that matter, fathom how we manage to pull it off. Part of what makes it so challenging and undesirable is that we have to divide and conquer, and thus be apart. Total bummer.

A few weeks back N had an early morning game in the even bigger city and rather than wake up at 4:00AM, we got a room closer to the arena. It worked out beautifully because of a perk with working at the Inn, but more on that later. It also meant that we were away from home for a night and two days. The next weekend N had his big tournament down in MA, for which they brought home the championship, but it was another weekend away from home. Then this Thanksgiving we visited family so we were away for that weekend as well, though it was nice because we were together and I for one thoroughly enjoyed not having to deal with domestic responsibilities while also having ample opportunity to take part in two of my favorite activities, eating and sleeping.

This coming weekend is looking busy, as well, so we'll see where it leads up. Now that both kids are on the ice, we are traveling all over the place. At least with A's team they provide a bus, which is a huge bonus.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Sean MacEntee for the pic.

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