Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Learning Lit

We need to do more literature work for A, and I've been furiously searching for some venue in this regard. Almost every other subject seems to have a great deal of resources online, but literature is a bit more complicated, mainly because it usually involves writing essays and getting critical feedback. This isn't so easy to do on a website, and often involves some human interaction. Good luck with that online. There are online classes that include teacher oversight, but more often than not, they are a little pricey, and as anyone who knows me knows, this is a big turn-off.

Thus the search begins for a lit resources online. My feeling is that it's really about choosing some classic and seminal books to read, hitting on a theme to write about, and then having either mom or me read and review it. Then hand it back to A for proper revisions. Truth be told, A already took the SAT Literature subject test and did very well. She's a good writer, but we need to have some organized and structured learning to gain some credibility. Unfortunately, my word just isn't enough to appease the powers that be.

We'll see where this one goes. Why does life always seem like such an adventure? Probably because I can never do anything the easy way, like sending your kids to school.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to eltpics for the pic.

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