Friday, August 27, 2010

Forget About Dumplings

I took a day and decided to forsake the dreaded dumplings to get some much needed stuff done around the house. I know this will come back to haunt me, but sometimes a man has to do what he has to do.

On Thursday, I should have been making dumplings because we literally had nothing for the Friday local market. At that point, I thought, who cares? I don't, I'd had enough. I figured if need be, we could just call in and say we weren't coming, but that would have been taking the easy way out, right? And real men don't do those things.

Either way, our yard has been suffering, not to mention virtually every other aspect of our lives outside the dumplings, but don't get me started. I was tired of looking at the overgrown grass, and decided it had to be cut. Dumplings be damned.

Boy was it satisfying. The summer has been hot and dry, so the grass has been growing, but probably not as quickly than if we'd gotten a lot of rain. It was still sloppy looking, however, and somehow that just gets me down.

The cutting went fine, and the neatly coiffed grass even inspired the kids to break out the croquet set. How cool is that?

Best of all, when mom got home, she gave dad the external validation he hungers for by telling me that the grass looked great. What more does a man need in life (other than about 700 dumplings by Wednesday's market)?

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Andrea Kratzenberg for the pic.

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