Monday, November 14, 2011

Golf’s Last Hurrah

With winter fast approaching, many of our golf venues are either closed or getting ready to close. N said he’d like to have one last round of golf before it’s too late, so we decided to try and give it a go. The weather was in our favor because it has been really warm, in the 60s even, so the stars were aligning properly.

Ideally we could have gone early in the day and had plenty of time to get a full nine holes in, but I had a dentist appointment in the AM. Besides, my understanding is that afternoons are better, though I’m not sure why. I think golfers like to do early tee times.

I dragged the kids to my dentist appointment, which wasn’t too long, and just wanted to note that they were very well behaved and spent the entire time, about half an hour, just sitting and reading and hanging out. Of course I was proud of them. We then went to the hospital to meet mom for lunch, and then we stopped at the Listen Center for those elusive snowboarding boots/binding. I’m always looking for hockey equipment for me if some fateful day arrives when I can be a real hockey player. Dream on, right?

By the time we got to the golf course, it was about 2:30, so we had about three hours, max. Good enough for us. A said she didn’t want to play, she just wanted to find and wash golf balls, and of course, clandestinely drive the golf cart when nobody was looking. The place was a little crowded. Everyone else has the same idea as us, getting their last hurrahs before the snow comes. Since we go rather slowly, I kept seeing groups of golfers behind us waiting. I would stop us and wave them on, but at some point you gotta keep playing your game.

People were nice and understanding, and we ended up having a great time. We had to abandon ship before finishing the ninth hole, once again, because it was too dark. We tried driving the ball but we ended up losing a few balls because it was too dark to see. Oh well, we did our best, and might get a few days in at the driving range before all is said and done.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Julien Tromeur for the pic.

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