Saturday, November 19, 2011

Riding Solo

R has been away for this past week, and it has been a challenge, though not an insurmountable one. It helps that I’m usually in charge of domestic duties, because then it just becomes an extension of our regular day, albeit without a real break. The hard part is the absence of my partner in crime, someone with whom to talk to who is over the age of 12 and can relate to my POV. Needless to say, we miss mom. I find myself a bit lost and without inspiration, so in that sense it helps to have dad duties to keep me occupied. However, at the end of the day, when everyone is asleep, I kind of drift aimlessly. Even watching movies has lost some appeal, so I end up just going to bed. I will say this, I’m getting a good night’s sleep.

Of course the kids miss their mom a lot, she is such an important part of their lives (and mine!), but with kids, as long as they have enough activities with friends, it’s easy to forget about the two old people who provide for you and nag you until you’re crazy. That's why kids can't wait to turn 18.

We were scheduled to see mom yesterday, but that plan changed, and now we’re on to plan B, which is similar to plan A, but on a different day. One thing that should be interesting will be traveling alone with the kids. That’s a new one for me, and will no doubt a rich source of amusing anecdotes.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to J-C-M for the pic.

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