Friday, July 13, 2012

Day of Golf

N has been asking me to go golfing, and there are several factors that make me reluctant, the first being that I’m somewhat lukewarm to golf. Sure, it can be challenging and fun, but I’d much rather play tennis or toss the lacrosse ball around. I guess I’m in the Mark Twain camp when he said golf is just a good walk that’s been ruined. The other big issue is that it takes a whopping amount of time, even when you do just 9 holes. I can’t even imagine the time it would take to golf 18 holes. I couldn’t do it.

Either way, at some point, I felt bad, because he was being so good natured about accepting my rejection, not that he had much of a choice. Then again, he could have made a big stink about it (it’s been known to happen), and he didn’t. Being the big pushover that I am, I switched gears (again, been known to happen) and said we may be able to pull it off but we probably can’t do all 9 holes. He was fine with that, so we headed on over.

It was a beautiful day, warm, but with patchy clouds and a constant breeze. Really a perfect day to be outside, and we made the most of it. The golf course in Windsor was not crowded at all, and we grabbed a cart and went for it. There were people way ahead of us, which wasn’t a problem, and at least at first, nobody behind us. We could take our time and go at a leisurely pace, which for us means going really slow. It takes us about a dozen swings just to make it onto the green. Once we were out of sight of the club, I let N help drive the cart, though they must have some sense of it.

In fact, at one point the attendant drove over and asked us to obey the traffic markers, and also that they’d prefer us not to were tank tops. I had a sense that this was a faux pas, but didn’t think much of it. I apologized, but he was cool about it. Next time I’ll know.

We ended up golfing to the 6th hole, and then we had to go. I was thinking that if we had gotten there earlier, we could have done all 9 holes, though that would have been a big chunk of time. Also, at some point, I get a little bored. We had a blast, nonetheless, and I think we’ll try to do it again, maybe even before summer ends.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to bill.d for the pic.

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