Thursday, December 5, 2013

Too Much To Chew?

Talk about a brutal weekend, we were swamped a week or two back, and I was waiting to get yelled at for taking on too much, but we seemed to have weathered the storm. A has been babysitting for the local church, though for the record, we are not members. The father of one of her best friends is the pastor, and since they hang out so much, her parents asked if she was interested in babysitting during the service.

A said yes, and it’s worked out fine. A is often asked to baby-sit because people seem to gravitate to her. They see her as a mature and reliable person, and the reality of the matter is, she is. She is very good with younger kids and is responsible and takes the job seriously. She’s a good kid.

The first couple of months went by without a hitch, but once hockey season started, it all fell to pieces. I feel bad, but I mentioned to KS that once hockey season started, this was going to be challenging, and sure enough, it is. This weekend in question, both A and N had two games, and A had a guitar recital. Since her game was early, she slept over at her buddy HC’s house and went to her Sunday morning game. By the time we finally got her home, she was exhausted, and still had a performance. She didn’t want to go, but decided she should since she committed to it, and it worked out fine. We did notice that there were several kids who performed, so if she couldn’t make it in the future, her absence would not be an impediment to the show. Unless, of course, she had a solo, which has usually been the case in the past.

We made it through in one piece, but suffice it to say that hockey makes our live crazy, but in a good way. It’s all the other stuff that seems to get in the way.

That said, thanks for reading, and thanks to Kelly J for the pic.

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