Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Riding Solo

We are functioning without mom this week because she had to take care of some things. We drove her to the Dartmouth Coach bus stop yesterday in the early AM, and then bid her adieu. The kids were cute in saying goodbye, we did a bunch of goodbye dances and that sort of makes goodbyes fun, but it’s also sad to see mom go.

I will say this, the house is definitely a bit sad and lonely without her. We look forward to seeing her every day in the afternoon when she comes home from work, and we look love supper time together around the table and the morning time having breakfast around the fire. In fact, last night it was quiet while we ate, and all we could talk about was how much we missed mom. It’s a good thing it’s only for a few days.

One more important thing for me to keep in mind is that it takes a monumental effort to keep the house clean and orderly, something that she is normally in charge of. With her gone, I have to stay on top of things, because things get out of hand quickly. I told the kids we have to be aware of this and not let chaos envelope us, but chaos seems to go hand in hand with kids... and certain adults (i.e., me), too, for that matter.

This should be good. Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to bhwkns85 for the pic.

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