Saturday, March 16, 2013

Here’s the Beef

We don’t eat huge quantities of beef these days, but we do eat some. I’ll put a little ground beef in spaghetti sauce or make some chili, and there’s the family favorite: tacos. Whatever be the case, we buy it sparingly, and when we do, I try to get the grass-fed stuff. When we did the market, we bought grass fed beef because that was part of our whole marketing gestalt (local, et al), but it just so happened that the local grass fed beef we got was fairly economical. It was at least half the price of store bought grass fed beef, and en par with regular store bought ground beef that wasn’t on sale.

The only problem was that it was about a 45 minute drive to get the meat, and it was on a lonely dirt road into the heart of Pomfret. What a hassle. Once we stopped doing the market, we stopped getting their beef. I would just get a pound now and then at the Coop at the painful price of nearly $8/lb. Ouch, but I figured once every other month wasn’t so bad.

Well, now I’ve found a new beef supplier, and you can’t beat him for convenience and price. I love when that happens. Our good friend is a beef farmer, and he also helps coach at the arena, so during the hockey season I see him all the time. Plus, our kids are friends, and we go to their house now and then. Finally, he spends a lot of time in Woodstock, so I can always meet him there. His son will be on N’s lacrosse team, as well. He raises his own grass fed beef and you can’t beat the price. It ends up being very competitive to what you’ll pay at Price Chopper or Shaws.

Now we have a great source of beef, so we may have to start eating more of it. That might, however, meet with some resistance in this household.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to the TheCulinaryGeek for the pic.

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