Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Winding Down

As the hockey season draws to a close, I often have mixed feelings because on the one hand, it's a long season (6 months) and I'm ready for it to be all done. On the other, it's fun to watch the kids play, and I enjoy many aspects about it. This year is particularly poignant because it's N's last year of youth hockey, if you can believe that. 7 years of youth hockey and now his run is over, almost. I have to say, I've really enjoyed it, and it's been a growing experience for myself, as well. How I ever had the audacity to step onto the ice and help coach, I'll never know.

I will say this - it's been very cool to watch N grow as a player, and unlike many kids that you see out there, I don't think he peaked early. In fact, I think it's fair to say that he's progressed as a player every year, this one being no different. I think this stems a lot from the fact that he's a good listener, very coachable (coaches have said this, it isn't just me), and he learns what he's taught and employs it.

It remains to be seen whether he'll play high school hockey, though I think he's good enough. The choice will be his, but regardless of what that decision is, I'm proud of the way he's developed as a young man of character who just happens to be pretty good at certain sport, hockey being just one of them. I will leave it at that.

A week or two more and it'll be time for him to hang up the hockey skates. Then we'll have to figure out what to do with our lives.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Dave McKinley for the pic.

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