Friday, August 25, 2017

Birthday Eclipse

This warrants a quick note because personally I think it's kind of cool, but this week our birthdays (both R and me) landed on the same day as the eclipse of the century (at least that's how they seemed to be selling it). It seems like there must be some sort of cool cosmic energy that is associated with this coincidence.

We didn't really do too much to celebrate but we did manage to view the eclipse with our amazing homemade viewing devices - one for each of us. It was fun to see though here in Cali it was only a partial, maybe about 50%. It was still fun to see and I'm glad we did at least something.

Even my mom wished us a happy birthday, which is more than she's done in the past, and we went out for dinner that evening. A nice mellow day without much fanfare, which is just the way we like it. I was impressed, however, with all the FB well-wishers because I'm not really an FB person... I just play one on TV.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to guywpt for the pic.

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