Friday, September 15, 2017

Playing in the Band

A has been brought into the fold of a band that her friends formed, and it's a pretty cool thing, mainly because they are all really cool (i.e., nice) kids who are talented, motivated, and dedicated to writing their own music. I think it's a great experience and a nice addition to what she's doing with the Dojo, which is a great experience but I like the idea of them writing their own stuff.

The band is called Plum Loco and they were formed prior to when A arrived at the scene, so hopefully she'll be able to seamlessly transition in. For what it's worth, she is not the only new member, which I think is helpful. I like the other band members and they are all friends, at least for now. Somehow it seems like a little conflict drives bands to creative genius (think the Stones and Beatles), but that's not always the case. I think Steely Dan got along, but I could be wrong.

Whatever be the case, I love that they've welcomed her into the fold, and I hope that it will be an enriching experience. I think it will.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to ekthornton for the pic.

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