Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Producers

The kids have been given a really neat opportunity at the local TV station to write, produce, and direct their own broadcast. This is the sort of stuff A eats up, she loves being a director, and what’s great about it is that N gets to take part, too, but more from a behind the scenes perspective. He will be the cameraman, which is a good, manly position. The kind he likes.

The man in charge over at the studio, BF, is a great guy and has been very supportive of A’s book group. He is also very enthusiastic about the kids getting involved in the production aspect of putting on a TV show. How cool is that? He inquired if the kids were interested, and they said yes. What’s great about it is that he provided some guidance, but the overall production of the show, from ideas to writing, to shooting and editing, is all theirs. They have all sorts of ideas, and I can see that A is pumped. N is not as enthralled, but he enjoys taking part and being included in the production. Truth be told, when he is nudged a little and inspired, he is quite the charming showman. A can bring it out in him, she has that magical way about her, but it also came up during clown camp, when the counselors applauded N’s personality and ability to perform. It’s there, it just has to be stoked a little.

Either way, we have the camera, and we have been taking all sorts of footage. Even mom has gotten into the act and enjoys using the movie camera. Maybe this is the direction our lives will take, becoming a family of film producers/directors. That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Jason M Rogers Photography for the pic.

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