Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weekend Planning

Once again, please pardon my absence.

We have a busy weekend planned, but what else is new? Although, this weekend we do have a lot going on, and we could have had more, but in my old age, I’ve found that my idea of a good evening is kicking back at home with a movie and a bag of pistachios. You can’t beat it.

We didn’t have homeschool hockey this week, so that opened things up a bit. The kids went to story hour, which they haven’t been to in months and it was nice to see our old friends, who were all surprised to see us because they never see us. There was a Dartmouth Men’s Hockey game but we opted out because it meant a late night and we had the kid’s hockey games to attend.

Now A also had a sleepover birthday to attend, which N wasn’t invited to because they’re at that age where they want to do girl things that don’t include boys. I completely understand, but I still feel bad for N, who kind of gets left out. He just doesn’t have the social calendar that his sister has. Now this is where things get sort of interesting.

On Saturday the kids had a game against each other, and then the girls were spending the day together and then going to the high school hockey game that night. At the game, I was going to pick up A and take her over to the sleepover party. Meanwhile, N went home with his buddy, CG, with whom he was having a sleepover. The reason this worked out was because they had a game the next morning in Northfield (about an hour north) and N was hitching a ride with them. I was going to meet them up there but beforehand had to drive to Montpelier (about 20 mins from Northfield) to retrieve my jacket, which I had foolishly left at the ice rink last weekend. Talk about stupid. On a bright note, when I called the arena, the rink manager said he had it and would leave it in the office for me. Good vibes on that one.

Anyway, the weekend took a bit of juggling, and it’s not even over. I’m going to one game, then I have to transport us to the other game later in the day, and then it’s finally over. Then again, it’s never really over, is it?

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Tomie Kourai Aminoacido for the pic.

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