Thursday, April 2, 2015

Annual Meeting

They had their big annual meeting at CATV this week, and of course we attended. We are so involved with them that we practically live there. The beauty of homeschooling is that we can find the time to do it. The main man, BF, is constantly nudging me to be on the board, and in all honesty, I would like to help, it's just that it would be one more thing to deal with, and I really don't have time. I guess in the end I could make time, but I have to prioritize the things in my life, and at this point, the kids' stuff takes up all my energy.

The meeting coincided with helping My Mentor over at his condo, so I dropped the kids off at the CATV event, hung out and ate a few crackers, then left for the other meeting. R was coming from work and we just crossed paths in our cars on the road, which I alway love. It gives you that moment of connection that you are sure is not just a simple coincidence and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I ended up missing most of the meeting, though by this point I pretty much know the drill. I had to leave early, so in a way, I should be thankful to My Mentor for helping me avoid pressure to be on the board. They aired some of the work of the kids and gave out certificates for their efforts. A won an award for recognition of her work in youth media, which was nice, and all in all I think it was a fun evening. They do a nice job of these events and in a way, I would like to help out because they are such a great organization, it's just that I don't have time to be on another board. At least not yet.

We'll see what the future holds. Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Bjorn Burton for the pic.

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