Monday, November 10, 2014

Employment News

Now that I'm a working man, I figured why not keep the good vibes going? I applied for another job over at the ski hill as a ski instructor, and was actually contacted for an interview. Talk about fast turnover. This is the same organization that I applied to a couple of years ago to do housekeeping when N got that serious hockey injury and I thought he broke his foot. I felt really bad because they not only responded to my query, but they were very nice in my interview. I couldn't take the job then because I had to be at home, and I figured they saw me as a lost cause, which isn't that far from the truth.

This time around, I saw they had an opening, and since we ski there all the time, why not try to make it more economically feasible? This should be interesting, stay tuned for more.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to SnowSkool for the pic.

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