Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween Fun

Okay, trying to get back in the swing of things with the writing and if I get this entry it will be two days in a row. Talk about a sizzling hot streak. Last weekend was Halloween and the timing was, like everything in our lives, a bit chaotic. The kids had just returned from being away, I was working crazy hours, and we entered into the evening without much of a plan. We had to scramble a little to first decide what the kids wanted to do, then coordinate with friends on the logistics of the evening. To complicate the matters further, I had to work that evening, which was really lame because I told them I couldn't come in until later in the evening. I'm beginning to get a better idea on how the system works over there and will have to act accordingly, but that's a topic for another time.

There was a bit of conflict in the early goings because A was a little torn between doing the usual or hanging with her new HS friends in the big city. As you can guess, this would greatly impact N's plans for the evening, not to mention dad's. We talked it over and decided she should stick with the old and traditional plan, mainly because it was more doable for us, but also because it would be more fun for her brother, though the days of hanging with big sis are coming to a close, no doubt. Plus, it worked out beautifully because their friends were planning on doing the same thing and HH said she could fit A&N in her caravan both to and from the festivities, which included a scary dance over at the school. For the record, even though A wanted to hang in the big city, she saw a bunch of her HS buddies at the dance so she had a good time.

I, on the other hand, had to work. As I mentioned I told them I wanted to come in later since it was Halloween but there was a lot of work to be done because it was a big party night and they were actually hosting a wedding. I was bummed and bit disgruntled, but again, I'm learning. I went in and worked my shift and at some point late in the evening I told them I had to go. I wanted to get home to see how the kid's evening went, and I had to be back at work at 7:00AM, so they understood. They are pretty understanding about flexibility and this one situation was not necessarily the norm, thankfully.

All in all it was a fun evening for the kids. They met up with friends, went trick-or-treating, and hit the dance floor. What more could you want? Actually, A said her friends were going to the midnight show of Rocky Horror, but I don't think that was going to fly with mom. Maybe next year?

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Kevin Dooley for the pic.

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