Monday, October 5, 2009

Whoopie Pie Mania, Bagels, and Gainful Employment

We have been experiencing whoopie pie mania over here, and it's easy to see how you can become addicted to them, especially in light of all the butter and sugar that goes into making them. In the quest for a continual supply of deserts around the house, and in an effort to have a better idea about what sort of foods we eat, we try out best to make the things we like. This is not always easy, and for that matter, not always possible, but for the most part, if you take the time and do a little research, you can figure out how to make most things. Especially when it comes to food, though you want to avoid the Martha Stewart recipes because they tend to be complex and involved.

With this in mind, we love to eat whoopie pies. We just had some pumpkin ones and then it dawned on me that we should give it a go. It's actually amazingly easy, but we had to try several different recipes before we found we loved. First it was chocolate with whipped cream frosting, but the filling was way too light, like whipped cream. Then we made vanilla ones with butter cream frosting, and those were my personal favorite. Finally, we made pumpkin ones with cream cheese frosting. Not to listening to my own advice, we followed a Martha Stewart recipe, which turned out pies that were good, but a little too gourmet. The reminded me more of gingerbread, too much clove.

Anyway, it's all a learning process. We finally managed to make more pickles, as well, and now we have about 15 jars of the stuff lying around the house. I've found people like them as gifts. We wanted to make sweet relish, but it's a nightmare chopping up all that cucumber. I think a food processor is in our near future.

We have this idea of making bread for the farmers market, and of course, that means I have to get my act together. We make what I consider to be adequate, maybe good, bread, but nothing like the stuff you get at bakeries or in France that are life altering. While I'd love to make bread like that, simply so we can eat as much as we'd like, the process is rather involved. Good bread making is an art. Not wanting to devote the time, I never went there, but since we may go public, I'm going to have to get my act together. More on this later.

Finally, A&N got a job from our neighbor. They went away for a few days and the kids were hired to feed the cat and fish, and take in the mail. They were so excited, and loved watching the fish. Luckily we have two cats, so we sort of know the drill. Then again, every cat is different.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.

good bagels
neighbors cat

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