Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Neurotic Indecision

As usual, I can’t take part in something without making a neurotic mess of things. Then again, you do what you have to do to get what you want, right?

Even though hockey season is virtually over, we still have spring hockey, which sort of doesn’t count. There’s very little structure to it, but just enough to get a good hockey feel, and best of all, I usually don’t have to coach. I’ll help out, but it’s pretty low key, and the kids love it. It runs a little counter to what the hardcore hockey people desire, because there is no coaching or practice. They don’t even keep score, it’s really about fun. The really hardcore hockey folks want tournaments and select teams, anything that enriches their kids hockey life and moves them one step closer to a hockey scholarship to an Ivy League college. 

I confess that I am vulnerable to this way of thinking. It’s hard not to when you’re surrounded by it, but I’ve been able to keep a level head and not push any agendas. Plus, I have R there to remind me of what a bunch of insanity it all is.

With that in mind, we’ll stick with fun and low key. However, I still manage to make a neurotic mess of things. Our good friend is doing spring hockey and he mentioned he was coaching. A&N are big fans, so I spoke with the people in charge and arranged for them to be on his team. Boy did I jump the gun. 

After speaking with said friend, I found out that he was trying to arrange for a bunch of his kids’ friends to be on the team, which we’d experienced in the past, with not the best results. Also, he requested for one person in particular to be on his team that, for the life of me, I find baffling. Different strokes for different folks, right? Whatever be the case, at that point, I realized I’d made a big mistake. I contacted the person in charge and relayed this and also asked that we reverse my previous request, which he thankfully did.

Now the rosters are set and we got what I asked for. My friend is a little baffled, and he has good reason to be. It’s not such a big deal, in the end, it’s just spring hockey, but why not make it as fun as possible? Or more appropriately, minimize the unpleasantness as much as you can, especially if you have that power.

We’ll see how this goes. Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Paul Foreman for the pic.

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