Monday, January 30, 2012

Going to Karate

Last week I had to confront something I wrestle with every week, and that’s going to karate. They used to hold class twice a week, which is hard to imagine, because I have trouble just going once a week. It makes it more difficult because we have so much going on every day and evening that one more thing is just adding to the problem.

However, that said, every time I go, I have a great time and am happy we attended. This is especially true for A, who is coming along nicely. Case in point, last week the weather was rather poor, and I got the dreaded phone call from sensei H that he wasn’t going to make it. For the record, he hasn’t come in weeks, and I could tell he was just looking for a reason not to show.

All I needed to hear was that Master H wasn’t coming, and I was gone, but I called him and he said he was going to attend. I had the key, so I had to go, but again, the weather was calling for freezing rain, which makes driving a bit precarious. In the end, I took A over and we opened up the doors. The class was small, only 4 of us, but as always, it was fun, and we got a lot out of it. Plus, we went, and like Woody Allen said, 87% of life is just showing up.

Live and learn. Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Patrick Nijhuis for the pic.

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