Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Exercise Mania

I think any stay at home parent experiences this, but with all the demands on my time, not only do I have very little of it, but I’m tired a lot. Usually after lunch I’ll go and lay down for a few minutes and catch a 10-15 minute nap, then I’m a new man. The other day I woke up and felt terrible. I felt like such a slug. It dawned on me that I haven’t been very active. I don’t go to karate anymore, I’m done coaching so I’m not skating as much, and I have one game a week.

I decided to get off my bum and do some exercise, and it went pretty well. First off, I did a strength workout, which means 4X50 pushups, with crunches in between. I also did a karate practice, which means reviewing the katas and sparring techniques, then to get really crazy, I went for a 2 mile run. It felt good to break a sweat, but by the end of the day, I was so tired. My body was aching for rest, which has been a little choppy because I’m still not 100% in terms of my health (maybe that’s why I feel so crappy).

If that weren’t enough, the next day we went and played pickup hockey for about 1.5 hours, then I had a game that evening. Wow, I probably sweat a gallon of fluid, and definitely earned that cheeseburger at 5 Guys. The only problem is, today my body is so sore, I can barely move.

Hey, it’s the price you pay for good health, right? The only question is, why does it have to be so painful?

Maybe I’ll go for a run to take my mind off the pain. Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to CMarino for the pic.

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