Friday, March 15, 2013

Searching for Employment

We may be moving into a new realm of domestic life in our neck of the woods where I may have to go out and seek employment. In other words, I may have to get my act together and find a job. Yikes!

Being the uber-stay at home dad, I haven’t really been in the full time work force in ages, much less looked for a job. Science jobs are all about staying in the pipeline, you just move from department to another. Now I have to get a resume together, go on interviews, and fill out applications. What is that all about?

Truth be told, I’d rather stay at home, but in the interest of sound economics, I may need to generate income, so into the workforce I may venture. I’ve actually looked into two jobs, both labor intensive. I contacted the local hotel in WRJ to be a housecleaner, and if you can believe this, they were fairly rigorous in their scrutiny of my application. Part of it might be over qualification since I’m not sure how many college grads apply for the job. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to support our fabulously opulent lifestyles. I spoke with them, but I could tell they had some reservations.

I also applied to a big hotel in the neighboring town, who had positions galore. I have to confess, I’d rather work a job that didn’t involve customer service, though I could work with customers if need be. I prefer to be part of the inner workings, behind the scenes.

Anyway, I had to tell them I couldn’t start right away because I was convinced that N had broken his leg. Even though it turns out that his injury was not as serious as we first thought, I think it wise to keep an eye on it. They were interested in hiring me, but I requested that my application be kept open until a month or two when things became clearer. They were fine with that, though the proof will be in the pudding if and when I contact them again. We shall see.

All in all, the beginning of this process has been interesting and informative. I think there are ways to make more money and I will explore each and every one of them until it all works out.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Tomas Campos01 for the pic.

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