Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Warms My Heart

We were doing school work the other day and it’s a touchy issue with N, he really resists, though he’s gotten much better. A just does it, even if she doesn’t want to, whereas N puts up a fight. In all fairness, A was resistant to the whole idea of doing school work at first, as well, though over time she came to enjoy learning and that magic “light bulb” moment when things make sense and learning clicks. Who doesn’t love that?

I usually have to wrestle with N, and it just makes the entire process less enjoyable. Who wants to fight with their kids? Life would be easier to just let them watch TV all day and play video games. Then again, I see the consequences of this approach all around me, and I just don’t feel like it’s an option in our house. I feel like we would be letting our kids down, regardless of how much they want it.

Anyway, don’t get me started down that path. The point of this story is that the other day I felt bad because N was being so well behaved and it seemed like he had a lot of work to do on a certain day, so I decided to cut him some slack and let him skip one of his pages of math. His response? He said no, he wanted to do it because he liked it.

How cool is that? I love when that happens. You have to celebrate these moments when they come, because they don’t come all the time. I will say, however, that they are coming more frequently, and ya gotta love that.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Phillip Worsnop for the pic.

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