Sunday, March 31, 2013

Falling Apart

As I mentioned, I’ve been trying to workout more and prepare for the eventual black belt test somewhere down the line. I am paying the price for my actions, or rather, inactions, mainly due to the fact that my body is falling apart. Not only am I sore as heck, but I got injured in my hockey game, as well.

Hmm, let see... what else can I whine about? My Mentor is shaking his head and thinking, “Stop being such a sissy, city-boy.” I went running the other day and did a bunch of strengthening exercises because I’ve been feeling like a bit of a slug, or was it sloth? Probably both. It went fairly well considering how inactive I’ve been, but over the past few days, reality set in. My legs hurt so badly, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to skate in my hockey game, but it wasn’t a problem.

During the game, I took two shots to the body, one on my foot, and one in my thigh. Both hurt and continue to hurt to this day. The worst is the soreness in my legs from running, it hurts just to walk. The foot injury was reminiscent of what N experienced, though luckily for both of us, no long term damage was done. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt like heck.

We’re surviving through all this, which means R and the kids are surviving my whining. How, I can’t say, but hopefully it will soon be over. Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Quasimime for the pic.

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