realize this is crazy late, but it's such a nice time of year that I
can't pass up the chance to reflect on the holidays, especially now
that they're done and it's back to the daily grind.
everyone had a nice Christmas, and even though the weather here has
been a bummer, we had a really nice day. Not too crazy in terms of
plowing through presents. We ate tons of good food and spent a lot of
nice family time together, which you have to fight tooth and nail to
maintain in the busy and hectic world that we live in.
Eve was the usual marathon, but we first started it out with a nice
supper of grilled salmon, veggies and fresh baked croissants, the
latter of which were the compliments of JR and RR, thanks a bunch.
That night we watched our favorite Christmas movie, Elf, and then it
was time for bed, at least for the kids. No rest for mom and dad as
we prepared for the next day, wrapping gifts, getting them under the
tree, and then having a little down time.
Christmas Day we had an amazing breakfast, again, compliments of the
Rs, of smoked salmon lox, more fresh baked croissants, onion/caper
cream cheese, maple bacon, and fresh fruit. It was so good, I can't
even begin to tell you. We chowed down and then the kids went about
opening the gifts, or at least some of them. We had to delay opening
all of them because of a glitch with the post office, which for the
record has let us down a bit for the past few years with delivery
failures. In the grand scheme of things they do a fine job, it's just
that now and then, seemingly during critical times like the holidays,
things get lost in the shuffle. Oh well, you just have to roll with
it, right? I also managed to change the oil in my car, which was a
relief because it was due and we are planning on doing a lot of
driving as the new year approaches.
breakfast we lounged and ate tons of sweets, and then, since the
weather was so warm, we decided to get outside and get some fresh air
so we headed over to Mt. Tom and hiked the summit. The weather was
nice, high 50s or low 60s, but again, very strange for this time of
year in New England. We need snow! There was an also an abundance of
people hiking the hill, I'm guessing out of town visitors who came to
ski but ended up hiking the mountain, instead. Afterward we hiked
down to the car and had Christmas dinner, which was a bit of a
production. We made prime rib, Yorkshire pudding, squash, baked sweet
potatoes, spinach, and broccoli. This is the second time I've made
prime rib and it was a little disappointing. I think I'm done with
that cut of meat. When done properly you can't beat it, I just can't
do it properly. Plus, it's an expensive piece of meat.
in all we had a wonderful day and I hope that the same goes for
everyone out there. Best wishes for the new year.