However, I learned right beforehand that KR was playing, which is always an occasion to come out and have fun, and it was our local market. We couldn't let our community down. So we hunkered down and just dealt with it. The situation was further exacerbated by the fact that I was running solo for this show, R had to go to an early morning meeting, which meant that it was up to me to not only make all the dumplings that morning, but I had to cook them and keep them hot and ready to serve by showtime. In other words, I had my work cut out for me.
Fortunately, I have two amazing helpers who love to pitch in. They haven't reached that teenage phase where their only goal in life is to get away from me. A&N spent the better part of the morning helping me construct the dumplings, and they were very helpful, not just in a "I'm bored and want something to do," sort of way. They really pitch in and help, and their efforts make a huge difference. What's great is that they really want to help, and I have to keep that in mind when they ask if they can help, because my first impulse is say, "No, you guys just go and have fun, I'll slave away in the kitchen." Good lessons to be learned there.
As usual, we literally went down to the wire. I'm no efficiency guru, so it took a lot of time to cook the darn things. I had to cook a batch and keep it warm in the oven. What I should have been doing was cooking two batches at a time, which would have, amazingly enough, doubled my production efficiency. Live in learn.
By the time I had finished cooking the last batch and turned off the burner, it was time to get in the car and leave. I had pre-loaded the vehicle, and this time around it was much simpler since we didn't need our portable cooking setup. I told the kids to get in and we hit the open road. There was library story hour, so the plan was to have the kids attend that, then meet us at the market where we would spend the evening in pursuit of the American Dream. The plan was for me to leave the dumplings in the oven to stay warm and then go to the market and set up. R would come home, change into her market clothes and bring the hot dumplings at start time. Then we'd be well on our way to incredible corporate earnings.
From the get-go the market was a good vibe. It was much calmer than the big city market, and because it involved our friends and neighbors, it was a fun and festive atmosphere. Everyone helped each other out, and the weather was beautiful. We were nestled between Harmony Farm and Z's breads. The market is small, no doubt about it, but it makes it more intimate and relaxed. Plus, as I mentioned, we get to see our friends.

We didn't bring a lot of dumplings anticipating a slow day, so naturally we sold out, as usual. I think because it's the dinner hour, people came ready to eat. We even had repeat customers within the market. This complicates things, in a good way, mind you. We need to make more dumplings, which means more work and less time, but we're not complaining. It's just a surprise.
It was a wonderful evening, I can't stress this enough. There was a constant stream of friends and neighbors, the weather was perfect, people were just hanging out on the grass, listening to great music and snacking while the Kerry Rose Band played two wonderful sets. Best of all, A got to go up there and jam with KR, the highlight for us, of course. KR is so generous to let A come up and play at her gigs, we really appreciate it. Yet another reason to love that girl.
By evening time, we were done and ready to head home. We were exhausted but happy to have been a part of the local market. What a nice time, we hope it stays that way and even more people come. Kudos to SI and CS for all their work in connecting all the dots. It really shows the strength of the community to put something like together, as well as the outstanding efforts of those in charge.
Thanks to everyone.
Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Travis Folck for the pic.
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