N and I were working the door, and we were supposed to keep track of how many people entered with a counter, but soon lost track of that in the rush to sell tickets. It got a little hectic, but not too bad. There no tickets, per se, so people formed a queue and arrived well before the actual beginning of the show. I made the mistake of letting them in, and didn't get scolded but the powers that be let it be known that it wasn't what they would have done. Live and learn.
Once the show started, the energy in the theater was palpable. The show benefits from having the likes of RC at the helm, and the guy is hilarious. The panel of judges is fabulous, as well, and they really carry the show. They are so funny, it's amazing.
And, of course, let's not forget about A and her performance. Being the shameless parent that I am, of course I'm biased to her part. She did such a wonderful job, so calm and composed. She really does well on stage, though I think she leans more towards the singing side of performing versus actual drama. We have enough of that in our daily lives.
The first act was great, but I think the show really takes off in the second act, which has more energy and is even more funny. They did such a nice job.
The audience gave them a standing ovation, which I think is way overdone, but fitting on a night like that night. What a fun show.
People said many nice things about A's performance. We never know what to say, and being the parents, try to take it with a grain of salt. People are nice and are just saying nice things, but I really do think A has some ability in the performance arena, but I'll leave it at that. One of the performers is a drama teacher who holds a theater camp and she asked me if A would be a part of it. I said yes, but that it was really up to A, and figured if I brought it up she would say "no thanks," but if one of the actors, who has more clout than boring dad, asked, she would be more into it. Unfortunately, her camp is for older kids, and she incorrectly assumed A was much older. Oh well, something to look forward to.
The show was great, we had a lot of fun. Best of all, we all got to be involved, N got to work the door with me, so he felt included and got a t-shirt with CREW written on the back. That's all we need.
Great job to the performers and writers and support crew. It was truly a memorable show, and yet another reminder of how lucky we are to live here.
Until the next time, thanks for reading.
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