Also, I sure dodged a bullet with practice, and thanks to coach KW for stepping up to the plate. It was a heck of a day on Tuesday, and bad planning was once again creating pain and suffering. I had to cook dumplings all day and get them ready for market, which isn't hard, but takes quite a bit of time. We had t-ball practice, which meant at some point we had to get a little batting practice in before the game. Just wanted to mention that the coach's son, who is a jock, was watching N play ball and said that it was clear that he was an athlete. I have to agree. N was calm and collected about the manly compliment, but I could tell he was beaming inside.
Either way, being the second Tuesday and all, I had a library trustee meeting to go to before the game, and it's never easy breaking away early because there is so much to talk about, and I feel like an idiot excusing myself in the heat of discussion. In fact, last time I couldn't do it, and ended up staying the whole time and missing part of N's practice. I was determined not to let that happen.
And then the last bit of horrendously bad news-the coach said she wasn't feeling well and that I might have to lead practice. What!?!? I told her that she had little choice in the matter, she had to come to practice. The idea of running the show was mortifying to me, though in a pinch, I could have done it with the help of other parents. In the end, I pleaded with her to show up, and she did, thankfully. I am grateful to no end.
The fact that I had a meeting motivated her, I believe, even though I was planning on leaving it early. Yeah, right. I should have said something in the beginning, but I tried to last time and it got me nowhere. I made the mistake of hoping that someone was going to turn to me and say, "Don't you have to go?" But nobody came forward, and I ended up staying the whole time. I like the meetings, it's just that I have t-ball to be at. So this time, I was prepared to bolt. It wasn't easy, once the meeting gets going, there is a lot of stuff to go over, and the board doesn't waste time and dawdle. I could feel myself getting stressed as the clock ticked away, and finally, as it neared the zero hour, I stood up right in the middle of a discussion and said, "I gotta make like a bread truck and haul buns."
I think they were a little surprised, and looked at me at first with expressions that screamed, "Where the heck do you think you're going?" I know, I should have said something in the beginning, but what are you going to do? I'm a guy trying to survive in a woman's world. I had this delusional belief that it would be simpler, but no such luck. Boy did the fresh air feel good once I got outside.
Practice was fine, almost the last one. KW was there and I appreciate her effort, thanks to her. One more practice to go and then onto the next thing.
Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Sergio Roberto Bichara for the pic.
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