Saturday, November 5, 2011

Goodbye (But Not Farewell) to Golf

We kind of let things slide a little too far and missed out on one last hurrah for golf. Not only that, but we didn’t make it to the final day of Fore-U Ice Cream, where on the last day they give away all the ice cream until it’s gone. Bummer. I actually knew about it on the day in question, we were just busy and getting out to W. Leb would have been a chore.

On the bright note, the local golf course near us is still open, I’ve learned, and we have a small window to get one last round of golf in. The problem with golf is that it’s a time drain, it takes up at least a few hours, but we sure do enjoy it. We just may get one last hurrah on the golf front in. Stay tuned for more.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to cflart for the pic.

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