Anyway, this Sunday was a bit of a marathon. I had to fix the trim on the roof, and then had wanted to split more wood and fire up the lawnmower to coif our increasingly verdant lawn. If time permitted, I was even thinking of starting in on the front deck. Wow, how's that for ambition?
Of course, with the exception of the trim, I didn't get to any of them. I did manage to install new trim, however, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would, especially in lieu of the fact that I had to work the entire time on the roof or standing on an extension ladder. Not my idea of fun.
I would have done more this Sunday if not for the fact that I had a couple of meetings to attend. The first was for a proposed farmer's market. I didn't really want to attend because I was so busy, but my good friend is organizing it, and he asked for bodies to show up. Plus, we have an interest in farmer's markets if we are going to make some food. Also, I wasn't completely clear on my friend's resolve, but that was besides the point. He asked me to come, and I could have flaked, but felt an obligation.
And you know what? It was a nice meeting, got to meet his real man friend W, who is a serious real man, so much so that my Mentor would have even been impressed. This guy is a hunter/tracker extraordinaire, and he basically built my friends house. He also gardens and raises livestock and all that good stuff. And, he's a super cool guy. I'd heard about him many times, he was trapping fisher cats on my friend's property, so I finally got to meet him.
Also met the owner of the Gorge Village property, and what a cool guy he was. One of the nicest, most sincere guys I've ever met.
So the meeting was fruitful on many levels, and I'm glad I went.
Then, my second meeting was in the afternoon for FF. Guess what? I didn't want to attend that one, either, but it, too, went well. Finally met the baking czar FH, and what a super nice guy he was. Also got to rub elbows with the power elite of our community, which is always an impressive thing to observe. Plus, it really plugs you in with the community, and reminds you what a great place this is to live because people are so willing to donate their time.
Just goes to show you, you never really know until you check it out for yourself and try.
Now, if I can just get to that deck. Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Jan Willem Stad for the pic.
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