Wednesday, July 18, 2012

No Log Load This Summer

In breaking with tradition, we are not ordering logs this spring, and it’s kind of nice not having to think about getting the wood and then cutting it, even though my chainsaw is all tuned up and ready to roll. Last year we got our wood really late, and we usually order more than we really need and have extra for the next year. As it turns out, this winter’s wood has been drying for a year and should be good to go come fall, so what all that’s left to do is haul and split last year’s pile, which is about 8 cords. We use about 4.5 cords, so we extra. The hard part is hauling and splitting, especially in this heat.

I contacted TB and left a message that we wouldn’t need a log load this year, and part of me worried that cutting ties one year might make it harder to get wood the next year, but that proved to be completely unfounded. He actually called back and said no problem and that if I ever needed wood, just give him a bit of notice and he’d bring it over. Fair enough. Besides, I also have an alternate source who is a friend, as well, in DS. He’s local, as well.

As for the current pile of blocks, I’d like to wait until it cools a little, but before you know it, fall will be here and we’ll be off and running once again, so no point in waiting. Then again, procrastination is such a seductive thing, and I continually fall prey to it.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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