Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Putting on the Miles

The past two weekends have been a marathon and a real test of parental stamina and mettle. Last weekend we had hockey for three consecutive days in Manchester, which is about 1.5 hours away in good weather and we had blizzard conditions all three days, and then this weekend we drove back and forth to Rutland. A was off the first weekend but was in Highgate this weekend, so R took her up there. You can't commute to Highgate, it's about 2.5 hours, so they got a hotel, but N and drove back and forth for most of the days. What a bear of a drive.

We decided to commute to save some dough and because the games were not horribly early, making driving in reasonable. N's games started Friday, and as I mentioned, the weather was brutal, snowing Friday and all day Saturday. The road conditions were precarious, and we had places to be. Sunday was the only day I think it didn't snow, though the roads were still squirrelly. This past weekend we made a couple of trip to Rutland, which about and hour away, and we stayed one night, but it's still a bit of a trek, and again, the one night we had to drive home, it snowed about 6 inches. We literally crawled through the Killington Pass. Sunday was actually nice, though cold. What's with all the cold weather?

Oh well, we made it through. Mom and A came home and it's nice to have everyone together again. Plus, there's light at the end of the tunnel, hockey is winding down and I think at some point the weather may warm up. At least that's how it's been in the past.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Tony Wasserman for the pic.

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