Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dartmouth Skiway Revisited, Coming Through for the Howe, and Missing the Mark

We have to be in Lebanon this afternoon, which will entail the usual juggling act with the car. We'll drop Ruth off at work early because she has a meeting, and then we'll head out to the hill for half-day before our optometrist appt. We'll give the Dartmouth Skiway a try again, because it should be in full operation after the big snowfall. In fact, it might be our last hurrah before the rains come later this week-total bummer. Whose idea was that?

It'll be a tight squeeze as usual, but worth a try. We should expand our skiing horizons, as much as we love the Quechee Hill. Besides, at least in this instance, it's closer.

Just a quick note about our favorite library in the world, the Howe-we'd lost a book, something we dread doing because we always feel like we let them down. Even though they are completely cool about it, and the book can be replaced, it's still a drag, and we feel terrible. Now considering how many books we take out, we're not doing terribly. We probably check out well over 2000 books a year, and that's not an exaggeration. In fact, last year one of the librarians informed us, not without some degree of amusement, mind you, that we'd checked out over 2400 books. Pretty crazy. Given that number, we've probably lost two or three books, and one of them was found, though after we'd replaced it. Not too shabby, all things considered.

My point is, we'd lost another one. They gave us a bit of a reprieve to try and find it, but it wasn't looking good. That is, of course, until yesterday, when the kids found it. It had fallen in a small crawl space that only one of them could fit in, and she found it. We were elated. Good vibes in that department.

However, I also missed my chance once again to help out the Hartland Trails folks. I should know after every heavy snowfall and plow to clear out the trail on our property. Granted, I have plenty of our own stuff to do, but want so much to help them out. They do fantastic work and the trails are a blessing to our town, but somehow I always miss the mark and fall short of helping. Yesterday there was a strange car in our driveway and I realized it was a trail person clearing snow, something I'd forgotten to do, once again. I introduced myself and offered more empty apologies, but in the end, actions speak louder than words. He was very nice, and in the end, I'm confident that I'll get my act together.

Famous last words.

We're going to see Grease this weekend, hopefully, and we have a birthday coming up. Would love to go to NYC to see the cousins and hang out, but we'll see. Until then, thanks for reading.

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