Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Eating Patterns

Dinner is usually our big family meal together, but we've recently switched over to more of a European model by eating small meals in the evening, figuring that we don't have to eat a big meal just to be together. The problem I have is that dinner is a good time to serve the big bolus of veggies that make us healthy and strong, but big dinners are not only a pain to prepare, but a pain to clean up, and a pain, sometimes, to eat. By eating a smaller dinner, everyone's life becomes easier. The key, In think, is just serving fewer things. We generally make a protein, a starch, and two veggies, one green, one red/orange. Talk about a chore.

Now we're simplifying, and even just having soup and bread for dinner, maybe a raw veggie with ranch dressing, which is another great way to get veggies. Eat 'em raw.

We'll see how long this lasts. I do feel better about not eating so much so late in the day, and again, it's less to prepare. A win-win situation.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to ilker for the pic.

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