We've figured out our drill for t-ball, and it's working out well. We split the practice in half. The first half, we do stretches and a bit of exercise, then focus on basics, covering a fundamental or two with each kid. The second half of the practice we play a scrimmage, where they get to implement what they learned into action. It's complete chaos, and any planning goes right out the window as kids scramble in every possible direction, but they have fun.
Being the elder statesmen, N is in a reasonable position in the skills category, and one of the only kids (I think there are 4) who wants to be pitched to. I'll leave it at that.
I think we've found a plan that will get us through the season, but we'll see. Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Larisa Hicken for the pic.
P.S. I think softball is a thing of the past. It just wasn't meant to be, and that's fine. We have too much on our plate, anyway, and A is more of an artist, as opposed to a jock.
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