Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Board All Over Again

I’ve come to the conclusion that boards are, for the most part, an incredible drain (waste?) of time, and not the most efficient way to deal with things. I understand you can’t concentrate power in one place, and you need some sort of democratic process, but all these meetings just kill me. Maybe it stems from just not wanting to be there.

We have a person leaving the library board, and this is a big one. She is the chair, and such a good one. She is so passionate and works so hard for the library. I can’t imagine how we’ll move forward , but move forward, we will. The search for her replacement was compounded by the fact that I need to renew my seat on the board, which requires registering with the town then getting the necessary signatures. You’d think they’d make it easier when they’re asking you to volunteer your time.

There was all this back and forth over who to approach, and all sorts of miscommunications over who to ask and who was already asked. I asked a couple of people and then was told not to ask because someone else expressed interest, and then when I told people on my end that I had made a mistake, I was told that we might actually still need them in contention because people on the other end weren’t working out. My description doesn’t even touch what a mess it all was, and at some point it became clear to me that not all of us were firing on all four cylinders. A lot of dumb mistakes and miscues were made, but these things happen in life, right?

To make the situation all the more fun, when we finally found a good candidate who was willing to help, one more of our board declared she would be resigning in March. Here we go again.

This doesn’t even have anything to do with hockey, either, if you can believe that.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Maddy Magdalene for the pic.

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