Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Men Behaving Like Men

What is it about men that inspires them to follow another man even if in the back of their minds they know it’s irrational? Meanwhile, their wives stand off on the sidelines scratching their heads wondering what all the hero worship is about.

I’ve seen and experienced this phenomenon throughout my life, and am in the thick of it with hockey. All the guys who are involved with the sport are in awe of our fearless leader and follow, on some level, in his footsteps. We’re all longing for that small speck of approval, waiting for him to throw us the proverbial bone, and will do what it takes to get it. It must harkens back to the days of our youth when we sought out our father’s approval. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about dedication, passion, and expertise in sports that speaks volumes to a lot of guys, even if the focus is a bit narrow, maybe even a little unhealthy. There’s more to life, though we often can’t see that. Maybe it speaks to the little boy in all of us.

Whatever be the case, I think our wives just don’t get it, and understandably so. It’s just a game, right? We entered into this knowing and understanding this, and here we are, immersed in it and in over our heads. At least some of us. When A&N started to play hockey, I liked the idea of helping out, and now I feel like it’s gotten out of hand. Part of it has to do with the fact that my hockey disposition has taken a big plunge, for reasons that are too complicated to get into right now.

However, I think everyone experiences some level of hockey fatigue, it’s only natural. The sport asks a lot of every parent, more than any sport I’d ever taken part in. If you have a family and a life, you have to realize that the level of dedication borders on obsession, and now I feel I have to take big step back. The season is winding down, so it’s a good time to reflect and reassess, and definitely make some changes.

The next few months should be interesting. We’ll see where it goes. Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Mark-Crossfield for the pic.

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