Sunday, October 13, 2013

Getting My Act Together

Did I mention that the time has come for me to be a real man in other area? Namely, making some dough. My real-man in training status is a constant process, but now I think I need to start thinking about becoming gainfully employed in some capacity or another. That’s how a man is measured in the modern era, right? The size of his income, in addition to other assets.

I have no basis for optimism, but for whatever reason I feel optimistic about this whole process. I would say I feel good about my prospects, if I had any. Then again, you can’t trivial details like these get in your way, you have to just start moving your feet and plow forward.

For me, at least in terms of my fabulous lifestyle, this is going to boil down to writing. Simply put, I need to find some (more) writing gigs that pay more than what I’m making. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking the stuff I have going, money is money, it’s just that sometimes it’s just not enough. The small gigs that I do have, however, are a stepping stone to help pave the way, and you can’t knock that.

I am in the process of making contact with some established writers I know. Truth be told, I know a fair number of them, and since they are friends, I can approach tell them I have no clue what I’m doing. Hopefully something will come out of it, but we’ll see.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to batter job for the pic.

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