Sunday, August 8, 2010

Taking a Break From the Grateful Dumpling

Being sick has forced to stop, the break from the rigors of feeding Vermont and New Hampshire, and the time off has been nice, even if we spent it sick. We don't want to spread the joy.

I think in the 24 hours that I was in the death throes of my illness, I probably slept for about 20 of it. Man did I need it, though sleeping while sick is never as fruitful as healthy sleep. I had weird dreams, tossed and turned, and ended up sweating a gallon of fluid. It was a little extreme.

Fortunately, it only lasted about 36 hours, and after about two days I was ready to jump back in. For the record, even while I was sick as a dog, I still had to be on my feet taking care of house duties. JR, my mother in law, can completely relate to this, I'm sure.

We missed the local market, which is a bummer, because we really enjoy that one, but the time off has been nice. We've got stocks of dumplings, so we're set on that, and when you really get down to it, our lives are busy, maybe too busy.

We're not sure where this dumpling gig is going to take us, but on the other hand, we're not sure if we want to go there. We shall see.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Maja Lampe for the pic.

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