Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs... and then some.

I think last week R got dragged down into my web of despair making dumplings, but a week later, our hard work has sort of paid off.

I am not sure what I was thinking, but for whatever reason, I'd made way too much beef filling. I had about 2 pounds leftover from Friday, and then on Saturday I made about 5 pounds more. Maybe it was because I'd just gotten meat from a new supplier, Raycin farms in Hartland, and was so excited I lost perspective.

So here we were with all this meat, and R decided to just make it all. We literally sat there for 8 hours and made the meatballs that go into the dumplings. We must have about 500 of them, and by the end of the day, I could tell R was steaming because the day had passed we got nothing done except for those $#@%#$% meatballs. Then again, welcome to my world.

Anyway, I had to then cook them, and it went well into the night. Boy, if you thought we were sick of these things before, you should have seen us afterward.

On the bright side, we had boatloads of beef dumplings, and after a slow big-city market and an even slower local market, we may not have to make beef dumplings this weekend.

Sometimes, you have to find the silver lining in things.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Roger Kirby for the pic.

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