The nice thing, the kids are at an age where they can give some input and feedback as to what interests them, rather than me simply scheduling these things and seeing how they respond. There is a definite interest in robotics for both of them. Unfortunately, robotics tends to involve older kids, which is a shame, because N is an engineer at heart, and he could hang with the big kids in terms of designing and assembling a machine. However, it is also good for the kids to have their own separate things, so it's a balancing act.
They will both be doing musical instruments, as well. A is branching out into piano, and N is taking drums. He was a bit reluctant, but I kind of insisted that he play something, even though all he wants to do is play sports. He's such a guy. I think he'd really love to get back into doing pottery, but man are those classes expensive. He loves the stuff, however, so maybe we'll work on that one.
Otherwise, we have a lot of stuff planned, almost every day, and though we tried to avoid falling into the busy trap, it is difficult to avoid it. There are so many opportunities to do fun and interesting things, and the kids need an outlet to not only take part in enriching programs, but to interact with kids that have similar interests.
When you homeschool, finding and attending these activities is a chore for the parent in charge, but what wouldn't you do for your kids?
Another reason we really need to get another car, however. Until that time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Tiffany Szerpicki for the pic.
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