Of course, fate had other plans for me. I had to send out our propane contract because it was due on October 4th, and that meant pushing things to the limit upon our return. Granted, I could have just waited, but what's the point? I filled it out, indicated payment, and being the incredibly responsible person that I am (or play on TV), I wanted to make a copy. The only place to do that was either the library (where the FM takes place) or the town center. I figured the library was a good option because we could get books for our trip and maybe some movies. If we went early enough, there would be no signs of our colleagues toiling away.
The plan was like this-go to the library and take care of business, then dump the recycling, take the lawnmower to Joe's for repairs, go Border's to get a book on freelance writing, then to the store for some last minute provisions for the road/cottage.
Now you knew something like this was going to happen, but while I was checking out of the library, I had the propane contract in my hand and was going to copy it afterward. A woman at the front had just moved to town and started up a conversation, and during the ensuing discussion, of course I forgot all about the contract that was sitting on the front desk. I gathered up our books, loaded the kids into the car, and took off.
Halfway to the dump I realize I left the thing there and needed to get it before the day was over. That meant going back after our errands, right as the market was starting. Talk about timing. We drove into W. Leb and took care of things, and then headed back to get my paperwork, right as the market was getting underway.
To add to the situation, the library usually has story/craft time right before the market, which the kids love, so when we got there, of course they wanted to hang out. I have no problem with this because their friends are there and they were happy to see them, but the market was in full swing, and I didn't want to make an appearance as a "civilian." I know it's stupid, I just feel bad.
Anyway, my plan was to hide out in the library until storytime was over, but as soon as it ended, all the kids headed over to the market to get some food. I told A&N no way, but they could play out front while I hid out in the car.
Not that that helped, because as I was sitting in the front seat trying make myself invisible, a constant stream of market vendors walked by and said hi to me (the library is the only bathroom nearby), even the market director SI. Just goes to show you, the harder you try to discreet, the more you draw attention to yourself.
Just a quick note, while we were away, we were slated to miss this past Friday, as well, but apparently the market was canceled due to the weather, the same weather that inundated us with rain in Canada. Go figure.
Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to sanja gjenero for the pic.
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