For now, A loves robotics, even though she's the only girl. A bunch of bookish boys who love gadgets, how can you beat that? N enjoys his dragons class, though he is green with envy over his sister's involvement with robots. I think he could easily take part in the class, he has the skill, dexterity, patience, and ability, but they have age restrictions. Plus, it's good for them to have separate classes.
Both A&N love their music classes. JB even said last class that N had some "serious coordination" as he demonstrated his drumming prowess. A is enjoying the piano, at least she dabbles in it at home on the electric keyboard, though I think we should get a piano at some point. We shall see.
Otherwise, we have to really get our stuff together. We have an appointment this week with the man, so hopefully that part of the equation will be addressed. Then there's looking to next year, but one step at a time.
Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Gesine Kuhlmann for the pic.
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