Saturday, May 28, 2011

Former T-Ball Dad

When we signed N up for t-ball, I was dreading the prospect of being head coach, but was willing to take the plunge if they had no options. I told the director that I would help out, but again, the idea of leading the charge does not appeal to me.

Furthermore, we were away for the first 3 weeks of the season, so I couldn’t really pull it off. They found someone to do it, and he’s a much better candidate. Now I sit on the sidelines, and have offered to help out, but they seem to be well in control. It dawned on me that it works out for the best, in the end, because it’s good for N to not have his overbearing dad in on the action. I feel a little restless just sitting on the sidelines, but as long as the kids are having fun, that’s all that matters. Plus, I’m there and ready to yell at the coach if N isn’t getting enough playing time... just kidding.

Ah, you gotta love Spring and the start of baseball season. It really brings back memories of my youth. Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to lkwolfson for the pic.

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